Church Ministries

Young Adult Christian Ministry (Y.A.C.M.)

Y.A.C.M. aims to inspire and empower Young Adults aged 22 to 40 to lead dedicated lives in Christ and adhere to Christian principles. Our organization is committed to fostering an environment where Young Adults can cultivate and showcase their skills, talents, and abilities in support of Christian education.

Financial Focus Group

The Financial Focus Group aims to empower the Christian community to adhere to God's financial principles, enhance their stewardship of the financial resources they hold, and utilize those resources to honor and glorify God.

Class Leaders

Class Leaders assist the pastor in shepherding the congregation by providing advice, offering counsel, correcting when necessary, encouraging members, and diligently caring for the spiritual well-being of class members with love.

Women's Home and Overseas Missionary Society (WHOMS)

The Women's Home and Overseas Missionary Society educates individuals on the principles of Christian missions and offers opportunities for engagement in mission activities and related ministries. It embodies the tenets of Christian living, advocates for the mission of World Evangelism, and functions as a financial support mechanism to bolster the global mission efforts of the A.M.E. Zion Church, both domestically and internationally.

Worship Arts Ministry

The Worship Arts Ministry at Marvin is dedicated to guiding the congregation in worship by utilizing music, dance, and drama. We are fervent about expressing Christian worship through the arts and value the positive impact it has on our church and community. This ministry encompasses several elements, which include: the choirs, praise team, and musicians.

Usher & Greeters Ministry

The Ushers and Greeters Ministry is tasked with welcoming both members of Kesler Chapel and visitors with a warm smile and a confident handshake. Our objective is to ensure that all who enter Kesler Chapel experience a sense of belonging and comfort.

Audio/Sound Ministry

This ministry honors God by overseeing and managing the church's sound systems to guarantee high-quality audio for both the Pastor and the congregation throughout all worship services.

Buds of Promise

This ministry caters to children aged 2 to 12, aiming to foster an interest in missions through a youthful Christian culture. It seeks to inspire a spirit of generosity, encouraging children to share their time and resources for the benefit of others. Additionally, it raises funds for missions through membership fees, pledges, and the provision of various services.

Deaconess Ministry

This ministry organizes the sacraments for communion on the first Sunday of each month. The deaconess ensures that the table is adequately supplied with the sacraments and provides assistance to the pastor in the administration of Holy Communion. Additionally, the deaconess visits the sick and homebound, supporting the pastor in the distribution of Holy Communion.

Men's Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to fostering the spiritual development of men, families, and the community by means of worship, prayer, and the proclamation of God's goodness and love. Through community outreach and service, we aim to cultivate Godly men from diverse backgrounds, encouraging them to fulfill their responsibilities to Christ, one another, their families, and the community. Our ultimate objective is to raise Godly men who will transform the world by serving the Most High.

New Members

This orientation ministry aims to assist new members in their transition from their previous circumstances to their spiritual journey in Christ. We engage in discussions regarding salvation, the local church, and the denomination, as well as other ministries that may be available to them. We emphasize the significance of their role in contributing to the realization of God's plan for the ministry in relation to the church.

Steward Board

This ministry ensures the well-being of the pastor and his family while also overseeing the collection of tithes and offerings.

Trustee Board

This ministry is dedicated to creating and sustaining a secure, healthy, and comfortable environment for the congregation, both within its facilities and in the surrounding areas.

Website Ministry

This ministry employs technology, including designs, audio, videos, photographs, and emails, to disseminate God's message within the church and the broader community. We oversee and communicate information regarding church events. Additionally, this ministry offers church members the chance to explore the latest advancements in website technology and functionalities, thereby fostering their technical personal development in the field of computer science.